lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

Resiliencia, inculturación y sincretismo religioso. Notas etnográficas acerca de la pastoral afrocolombiana

Resiliencia, inculturación y sincretismo religioso. Notas etnográficas acerca de la pastoral afrocolombiana

Resilience, Inculturation and Religious Syncretism: Ethnographic Notes about the Afrocolombian Pastoral Care

Resilienza, Inculturazione e Sicretismo Religioso: Note Etnografiche sulla pastorale Afrocolombiana

Alì, Maurizio; Basabe Murillo, Daniel Felipe; Magak, Matthew Arose

Abstract: This paper aims to describe some aspects of the Afro-American culture in Colombia starting from the observation of its religious manifestations. The ethnographic analysis of the activities carried out within the framework of the Afro-Colombian Catholic pastoral care allows us to reflect on the importance of the notions of identity, corporeality and spirituality for the descendants of former African slaves in Colombia. From an anthropological point of view, the Afro-Colombian pastoral can be analyzed as a peculiar form of religious syncretism which demonstrates the resilience of African descendents faced with the pressure of the enculturation process led by the Catholic Church.

Keywords: Colombia, Diaspora, Cultural identity, Enculturation, Catholic Church (Roman), Social adjustment, African, Syncretism, Religiousness, Liberation theology, Spirituality, Andean Region, Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology, Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Art, Sociology of Literature, Sociology of Religion, Black Theology, Afro-American culture, Urban cults.

Alì, Maurizio; Basabe Murillo, Daniel Felipe & Magak, Matthew Arose. (2014). "Resiliencia, inculturación y sincretismo religioso. Notas etnográficas acerca de la pastoral afrocolombiana". DADA - Rivista di Antropologia Post Globale, n.2: 53-72. ISSN 2240-0192.

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sabato 27 dicembre 2014

Escolarización Obligatoria en Contextos Poscoloniales: Disgregación Familiar y Transfiguraciones Étnicas en Guayana Francesa

Escolarización Obligatoria en Contextos Poscoloniales Disgregación Familiar y Transfiguraciones Étnicas en Guayana Francesa

Mesa 52 – Educación y formación en primera infancia. Miradas desde América Latina.
Manizales, Colombia - 17-21 de noviembre, 2014

Maurizio Alì
Université de la Polynésie française - Laboratoire Sociétés Traditionnelles et Contemporaines en Océanie (EASTCO, EA 4241)

El presente trabajo quiere describir los efectos que pueden tener las políticas educativas del Estado cuando se imponen sin consultar previamente a la ciudadanía. Para entender el impacto del esquema escolar moderno sobre las dinámicas familiares tradicionales, se ha realizado un trabajo etnográfico de larga duración con una comunidad indígena Wayana-Apalaï, en Guayana francesa, enfocado hacia la observación de las prácticas educativas en ámbito doméstico. A partir de una interpretación crítica del contexto poscolonial, los datos recogidos parecen demostrar la hipótesis que los Wayana-Apalaï están sufriendo un proceso de transfiguración étnica, con un impacto muy profundo en su estilo de vida tradicional, en los esquemas comunitarios de formación de los jóvenes y en el desarrollo social de los niños.

Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever os efeitos que podem ter políticas educacionais do Estado, quando imposta, sem consultar as cidadanias. Para compreender o impacto da escolas moderna sobre a dinâmica da família tradicional, tem havido um longo trabalho etnográfico com uma comunidade indígena Wayana-Apalaï, em Guiana Francesa, com foco de observação das práticas educativas na arena doméstica. A partir de uma interpretação crítica do contexto pós-colonial, os dados recolhidos parecem provar a hipótese de que os Wayana-Apalaï estão passando por um processo de transfiguração étnica, com um impacto profundo em seu estilo de vida tradicional, em os esquemas de formação da juventude e no desenvolvimento social das crianças.

This paper aims to describe the effects of a European industrialized country educative policy applied in a post-colonial context: a Wayana-Apalaï indigenous community in French Guiana. To understand the impact of modern schooling scheme on native family dynamics, we realized a long-term fieldwork, observing care-giving and parenting style. Based on a critical analysis of socio-economic and historical context, we interpreted the ethnographic data as demonstrating the hypothesis that Wayana-Apalaï have been involved in a process of Ethnic Transfiguration having a deep impact on traditional lifestyle, on community schemes for youth training and education and, last but not least, on child social development.

Keywords: care-giving time, domestic education, parenting, cultural minority, traditional success, school success, French Guiana, Wayana, Apalaï.

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Child Development in Post-colonial Contexts Educational Change and Ethnic Transfiguration in a French Guiana Wayana-Apalaï Indigenous Community

Child Development in Post-colonial Contexts Educational Change and Ethnic Transfiguration in a French Guiana Wayana-Apalaï Indigenous Community


Maurizio Alì & Rodica AilincaiUniversité de la Polynésie française - Laboratoire Sociétés Traditionnelles et Contemporaines en Océanie (EASTCO, EA 4241)

This lecture presents a first attempt to describe an emergent dynamic: the transformation of family educational practices between Wayana-Apalaï indigenous people of French Guiana. Ethnographic data collected between 2010 and 2013 show a large set of variations concerning care-giving time, house-keeping charges or the frequency of traditional activities. Taking into the account the role of schooling and based on a critical analysis of the socio-economic and historical context, the authors interpreted the data as demonstrating the hypothesis that Wayana-Apalaï have been involved in a process of Ethnic Transfiguration which in return has had a deep impact on traditional lifestyle, on community schemes for youth training and education and, last but not least, on child social development.

Keywords: care-giving time, domestic education, parenting, cultural minority, traditional success, school success, French Guiana, Wayana, Apalaï.

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giovedì 27 giugno 2013

Learning and Growing in Indigenous Amazonia: the Education System of French Guyana Wayana-Apalaï Communities

Learning and Growing in Indigenous Amazonia: the Education System of French Guyana Wayana-Apalaï Communities


Maurizio Alì

Université de la Polynésie française - Laboratoire Sociétés Traditionnelles et Contemporaines en Océanie (EASTCO, EA 4241)

This lecture, co-authored with Professor Rodica Ailincai, presents the first results obtained from an exploratory study conducted with a Wayana-Apalaï indigenous community living the High Maroni region, in French Guiana. The study is situated within an ecological and interactionist approach and attempts (1) to understand educational family practices and community logic of children training (2) to describe parents' expectations vis-à-vis their children as a postmodern dynamic. The ethnographic corpus was gathered during a period of five years with the aim to link observed behaviors with contextual and cultural variables. Following the analysis of the data, the authors propose a diagram of a) the micro-systems structuring the Wayana-Apalaï kinship system; b) a description of parental roles and educational functions; c) an overview of parental expectations in terms of "traditional success"/ "school success ".

Keywords: parenting, cultural minority, traditional success, school success, French Guiana Wayana.

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